Sunday, March 20, 2011

Erin's big birthday bash

Andrew had his first (and only) big birthday bash when he was 6 so we naturally had to do the same for Erin. We reserved the Mellott church's youth center and then invited half of Fountain County.

She ended up with about 9 kids at the party and had a fantastic time. We tried to stick with classic, non-expensive activities (Twister, freeze dance). If I had known for sure that we had a managable number of kids, we might have planned things a little differently.

One of the biggest hits was the Barbie cake, made by Janet (my mother-in-law). It was the kind where a real Barbie's head is inside a body made of cake. Erin was in seventh heaven! Since she has so many toys already, we had a book exchange instead. I was so proud of Erin that she understood why we did this.

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