Friday, December 26, 2008

Recent funnies

Drew, upon hearing that this will be one of his latest mornings ever: "Eh, I've had worse."

Erin, about her new cat (Princess Alyssa): "Mommy, she's very embarrassed about her loud meowing."

Drew, about my recent bout of terrible headaches: "I sort of feel your pain."

Erin, to Andrew: "Drew, that was NOT APPROPRIATE!"

Christmas program pictures

Our church's Christmas program was on December 14th. Since we don't have a large number of children we took pictures ahead of time and turned them into a slideshow about Christ's birth. The older kids then narrated the slide show and the congregation helped the kiddos sing familiar Christmas carols. Drew had a small duet called "See the Baby" and he did a terrific job. He was also a reader with the older kids. In my (admittedly subjective) opinion, he read as well as the kids twice his age--slowly enough to be understood and with all the proper emotion!

Here are the wise men worshipping baby Jesus:
Baby Jesus is in the manger, surrounded by animals. I hope the pink monkey wasn't too cheeky--Erin insisted he come along:
It was too cold to use the neighbor's sheep so we made do with posterboard facsimiles:

Fall fun

These are taken from Thanksgiving at Adam and Reg's house (my brother and sister-in-law):