Sunday, November 2, 2008

Welcome to the Drew Club

Drew announced to us that over Fall Break he would be forming a new club: the Drew Club. Of course, Drew would never just state things that plainly. It was more like, "Mom and Dad, tomorrow I'm going to make a new club. The Drew Club. Where the motto is: 'Drew is always right.'"

I regret to inform you, gentle readers, that his club is quite exclusive. He hasn't even asked his sister to join yet. (And after hearing the motto, she may be reluctant to join anyhow.) Sadly, I have already been ejected from said club. I needed to leave the club temporarily to assert my motherly bossiness. Drew then informed me that if I left, I would not be able to return. He was quite upset about this. I reminded him that being his club and his rules, he could amend those rules as necessary to allow Mommies back into the club after temporarily leaving to do Mommy things. Dejectedly, he told me that the rules are permanent. No word yet on whether Daddy has a fighting chance of membership.

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