Sunday, March 20, 2011

New member of the family

Our house is literally turning into a zoo. Sometime last fall Bruce picked up a couple of rabbits (Alex and Hopper). Hopper met an untimely demise a few weeks ago, so now we have 2 new ones in its place: Katelyn and Black Beauty. As it turns out, I think rabbits are absolutely adorable--from a DISTANCE. I'm terrified of them close up and have barely touched them. Go figure.

Our cat count is up to 4: Salem, Tanner, Cookie, and Streudel. Salem is too old to tolerate the others but the youngest 3 all get along famously. They have great personalities and are adorable as the dickens.

Since Drew just signed up for 4-H, we now have pigs. He named them "Leonard" and "Sheldon" in honor of The Big Bang Theory. Because of the cold, they had to stay in our garage in a makeshift pen for several days. Now they are in a larger, more pig-friendly location down the road (Bob and Jeannine Quirk's). I think Bruce takes care of them a heckuva lot more than Drew does.

Our newest member is a Yorkie named Sillery's Paducah of York, or "Dukey" for short. We got him from Eric and Jainy Gulley's litter. He is a typical terrier--yippy, half nuts. He's also as cute as a bug. So far he's doing great with his pen (and sleeps all night) but the house training thing is another story entirely. He goes potty outside just fine, but then he potties inside as well. His bladder must be the size of a pea. Anyhow, I'll be happy when his puppiest days are behind him and we don't have a million chewed up things on the floor to vacuum up anymore.

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