This was meant to be more of a family journal b/c I wasn't handwriting in either kids' personal journals. I'm on the computer all the time anyway, right? Since I put so much stuff on Facebook, though, updating here just seemed silly. Now I realize I need to go back in time and catch up before I forget what the entire 2009-10 school year was like.
Deep breath.
So here I go...keeping in mind that some of this stuff is just for remembrance purposes, not really to entertain, and also noting that most of the cute kids' stuff was already told on Facebook.
Drew was fortunate enough to be placed in the high ability 2nd grade classroom with Mrs. Peevler. He did encounter some bullying issues with a couple of boys but generally loved his year and learned so, so much. He got new glasses in October (his eyesight went from 20/25 to 20/80 in ONE YEAR'S TIME). They are adorable and it seems like he's had them forever now.
Erin went to preschool at the Williamsport Day School thanks to my friend Kim, who took Erin and Allie together 3 days a week and did 98% of the transporting both directions. (In going through some old Facebook posts, I had to chuckle at her parent/teacher conference in October. Her teacher, Mrs. Girdler, gave her the highest possible marks in all but two areas: verbal skills and imagination. I rather think anyone reading this blog will disagree.)
Erin celebrated her 5th birthday with her friends Isabel and Allie at Monkey Joe's in Lafayette. Drew turned 8 in April and designed his own cake (a stick person stuck in a homemade chocolate cake to make it look like he was drowning).
Both kids were in soccer last fall (Erin in the 4-6 year old group, Drew in the 6-10 year old group) and loved it--despite Drew having to, at one point, play his "archnemesis from preschool." They are enrolled again, in fact. I will be coaching Erin's team. Quit laughing.
OK, the next few posts will be random quotes/info from Facebook just to get caught up. Get some popcorn, take a nap...whatever.