Saturday, October 11, 2008

Shh, I'm a bigamist

Erin has been fascinated with weddings lately. She has a picture of herself dancing with Bruce at niece Melissa's wedding last year, which she refers to as "when I married Daddy." She has also been looking at our wedding album (now 8 years old!) and is absolutely enamored with all of it. So yesterday when we get home, she announces that she and I are going to "get married."

Dress? Check. Notice that her blankie dress is the ever-popular strapless variety. (And on a side note...will that fad end soon, please? I am SO over seeing strapless gowns at But moving on...) Flowers? Check. Or rather, flower. Head covering? Check. But wait--the head covering is not quite right. And the color of the dress is all off. Let's try again:

Ahh, this is more like it.

The perils of having a blanket-style strapless dress--or any strapless dress, really--is that it often works its way down. I tried to correct this by tying the blanket in a which she responded by slamming down the flower, throwing down the blanket, and declaring that I had "ruined our wedding." Geesh, what a Bridezilla.

And, of course, a wedding ensemble would not be complete without the proper footwear. Folks from the Isle of Whack will be pleased to see that she did not choose Crocs for the occasion.
After our quickie ceremony, we danced for a couple of minutes. There was no honeymoon. We are registered at Toys R Us. For those of you trying to work out the logistics, Drew is now her brother and her stepson. How sad that our union is not recognized by any of the contiguous states. Or anywhere else.

Farewell, Putt Putt

The Lafayette Putt Putt is shutting down permanently at the end of October...another institution gone. Drew is really bummed about that. For one last hurrah, we went last Saturday and played for over an hour. You can't beat $7 for "all you can play." And Erin's still free 'cuz she's under age 5--which is just as well since she mostly danced around, climbed steps, etc. Here are some pictures:

Mr. GQ

Erin loves the elephant almost as much as the actual golfing.


I keep forgetting to post a picture of our new dog, Buddy. He's our cocker-spaniel/beagle mix and is about 19 months old now. We got him the day after getting back from Disney World. I highly recommend getting a dog who's already a year old and been housebroken. I do not highly recommend getting a dog the day after getting back from Disney World.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So much sass for a 3 year old

Where exactly does a 3 year old girl's attitude come from? Her sitter had quite a time with Erin the other day. Another child, Aubrey, is about the same age as Erin and they have similar interests--you know, dressing up, playing with dolls, undressing, playing with stuffed animal, re-dressing, playing school, and dressing up. Oh, and dressing up. Anyhow, these two little ladies love each other but fight like cats and dogs. Apparently on this particular day they really got on each other's last nerve. One would proclaim that she was no longer her friend. This would prompt a retaliatory gesture such as hitting or taking a toy away. Then the offended child would threaten to "call mommy" and tell of the other girl's bad deeds--which apparently they would then do via fake cell phone. As the caller would line out all of the other girl's bad deeds, the other girl would sob and talk about how hurt her feelings were. Surely the sitter would have gladly taken a bullet to avoid hearing this constant go-round. She finally did get sick of it and told the girls that the next one to act up would get a REAL call to Mom or Dad. Aubrey immediately turned pale. Erin's gleeful response: "You can't call my mommy and daddy. They're at work."

Another Drew story

This one is funnier. Today he showed me a picture he'd recently made at school. He'd had to draw pictures of himself as a "helper" at home, school, and in the community. His home picture had him helping vacuum the floor (so obviously this picture was a work of fiction, heh), the school picture was of him raising his hand in class, and the community picture was him as an army guy. Now perhaps this won't translate as funny on a blog, but when he said, "Look, Mommy! This part of the army picture is where I'm shooting bullets uncontrollably." I about fell over laughing. Uncontrollably?

Tae Kwon Do no more?

Drew has been SO pumped about tae kwon do. He has gone for a month now and has just been ridiculously excited about going. Well, the instructor pulled me aside after Tuesday's lesson and said he's been playing more than learning and that we should consider taking him out. I was floored--he'd never said ANYTHING about Drew's behavior prior to this and Drew has always acted as though he'd enjoyed the lessons afterward. (I was also a little peeved that we'd just spent $20 on a uniform for him and have paid through the next month...though that can probably be refunded.) I'm hoping that after we talk with him, Drew will be better behaved and able to continue.

Here's a picture of him all decked out--and I can't figure out how to make this picture upright, grrr: